Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Clearer View

The past few weeks was a massive whirring clouds of mental war. Living alone can both be a pro and con but i'd choose to go onto the positive boat, as I always do. Still, I crave for my old self, but I'm getting used to my life's latest blows. I know, 'neath all these, there's something real, not just some dream about my old self, but a dream of a woman with a clearer view.

Floral top - thrifted || Mustard sleeveless top - gifted || Black leggings - H&M || Suede boots - Peacocks

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Unhalloween Halloween

Whilst everyone were enjoying Halloween parties around the globe, I was here, in my room, contemplating on what I was supposed to dress for the season. Interesting, eh?--NOT.

 Yes, I had work, and I still don't have that foreign ID to frolick wherever I want. But I'm learning to be happy here, darling. Now tell me more about your halloween ;)
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